Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero HINDI Episodes HD
Penn Zero is a regular kid with a not-so-regular job. He’s a part-time hero who leads his best friends Sashi, an overqualified part-time sidekick, and Boone, an under qualified part-time wise man, as they zap to unpredictable epic worlds to fill in for heroes in need. On each mission the team battles evil part-time villain Rippen and his part-time minion Larry. Whether superhero, fish-prince, clown cop, giant monster or tiny action-figure, Penn uses his unconventional heroic skills to save the day – his own way.
Season 01 [720p HD]
Penn is convinced that nothing could be cooler than being a superhero. In a world of street-racing magic carpets, Penn struggles with Boone who has become an all powerful genie.
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